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Real Talk, I sleep in the Buff. Every Night & on Planes.

Updated: Aug 2

A few summers back, while visiting Alaska I marveled at the extra-long daylight afforded by being so far north. I also found it a bit unnerving. I love my sleep. And the downside to the sun setting at 11.00 pm, made falling asleep irritatingly challenging.

Before our next hiking adventure, my travel companions and I stopped into REI Anchorage and my search for the traditional eye mask went unfulfilled. Or so I thought. The attractive patterned fabrics neatly hanging on display grabbed my attention, and I found myself standing in front of the Buff display wondering if my idea would work. The Buff packaging features images of the assorted ways you can dawn the stretchy fabric. It didn't explicitly say you can put it over your eyes, wear it as an eye mask and solve all of your bright nocturnal problems, but I'm a fashion rule breaker and I had confidence.

All of these years later, the only thing more unnerving to me than 22 hours of daylight is trying to sleep without my Buff. It's a dream for air travel. Good luck not disassociating while wearing sleeping in the Buff and noise canceling earphones locked in place.

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